Why Solar and Wind

Limitless Resources

Solar and wind are both measurable and abundant free energy sources that are not affected by changes in fuel costs, like other electricity generation.


Solar and wind generate electricity with no emissions.


Solar projects produce power during the day when demand is high. Wind projects produce power during the day and night, depending on local wind conditions.

New Jobs

Manufacturing, installing, and maintaining utility-scale solar and wind projects generate hundreds of thousands of new jobs.

Renewable Energy Demand

States, businesses, and utilities can use solar and wind to meet their renewable energy goals and hedge against cost volatility over the long term.

Tax Revenue

Solar and wind projects generate significant tax revenues for host communities without putting any strain on community resources. The tax revenue funds critical services, such as benefiting schools and improving roads.

Cost Effective

The levelized cost of energy from utility-scale solar and wind projects is competitive with or less expensive than conventional energy sources almost everywhere in the United States. Specifically, solar’s levelized cost of energy has declined by 90% since 2009. Additionally, wind and solar are not subject to volatility in fuel prices and help lower the cost of electricity over the long term.

Agricultural Preservation

Both solar and wind projects are low-impact and temporary developments that are fully decommissioned at the end of their project lifetime, preserving land for future generation. While both resources are compatible with agricultural activities, wind turbines require relatively little land and are compatible with continued farming operation.

Why Us

Solar and Wind Farms Are A Great Match for Agricultural Communities

Both the solar and wind industries have experienced incredible growth in the past couple of decades, creating thousands of jobs across the county and contributing millions of dollars in new tax revenue and investment within local communities. Both technologies can be sited on and alongside many existing land uses including private, rural properties, commercial and manufacturing sites, landfills, airports, managed timberland, and agricultural land. It is not just possible, but preferable, for wind and solar to be located close to energy demand, minimizing the amount of costly transmission infrastructure that must be built to supply clean power to populated areas. 

In agricultural communities, local farmers reap benefits from the stable income diversification, and communities receive significant additional revenues from the capital investment and addition to tax base. Combining traditional agricultural production with stable wind or solar lease payments makes farms more resilient to shifts in the market price and yield of agricultural products. Wind and solar farms also help protect and preserve agricultural land for future farming generations.  

Why Choose Us

Ranger’s Development Process Supports Agricultural Communities

Utility-scale solar and wind sites undergo rigorous environmental, cultural resources, power grid, and other analyses to ensure proper siting. These siting criteria greatly limit the available land that is appropriate for development.

When the project reaches decommissioning, all equipment is removed and the land will be restored to its condition prior to the construction of the solar or wind farm, including the replacement of prime soils and topsoil.

For both types of technologies, only a portion of land is taken up by project infrastructure. This creates several dual land use opportunities. Livestock grazing, land conservation, and active row crop farming are all opportunities involved in diversifying land use while enhancing overall productivity.

Ranger Power engages with community stakeholders early in the development process to ensure that our projects reflect the goals and values of the host community. We incorporate community input into our project design, leading to many unique project characteristics. Examples include developing agricultural soil decommissioning plans with local farm bureaus and planning commissions, identifying and aiding wildlife areas within our project site, and preserving areas used for outdoor recreation.

The power from projects is injected into the regional electricity grid. This will help meet renewable energy requirements and have a direct positive effect on all ratepayers by offering in-state, cost effective, and reliable clean energy